Monday, 25 August 2014

The Waiting Game

Since my last post to my blog I have now sat my repeat exam, I sat it today in fact! I was so worried about it and frankly, I'm still worried about it. If I'm completely honest, I'm not really sure how it went, and I really think there is a good chance I could have to re-sit the exam in January, again. Economics is just not my strong point; I could sit this exam 1000 times and fail it each and every time. The last thing I want to have to do is re-sit this exam again but, at least I have the option.  Myself and my boyfriend Larry decided to hold off on booking our flights until we knew whether I had passed the exam or not. As we are planning to move in January and I'm now thinking there’s a very good possibility I may have to sit the exam again in that same month, we may end up moving in February instead.  Now we play the waiting game and anxiously await the results of this exam. I should have the results soon enough, within the next 2-3 weeks and I’ll be sure to let you know.

In other areas of my life there’s not a whole lot I think I could tell you that I've been up to recently. I've been working loads and have been feeling really unhappy in my job and in my surroundings. As each day passes I feel more and more confident that making this move to Canada is the right one for me.This coming week, I have to work 7 days straight as a supervisor because there’s no one else to do it. My mum made the comment to me that, I applied for this job in work and I brought this on myself but, how is it my fault that there is no other service leader or supervisor available to work during this time? Someone made a major scheduling error and it sure as hell was not me. Things like this happen all the time where I work and it drives me crazy! It makes me want to hand in my notice tomorrow and walk out the door. I'm literally counting down the days until I can do this for real.

Thanks for reading,

Thursday, 7 August 2014

College. The Final Hurdle.

If you read my last post on this blog then you’ll be more than familiar with the decision making process I went through to take myself to Canada. You’ll also know that there are a few small bumps in the road before I can actually get there. The most significant one being the fact that I have one exam to repeat in order to finish college, get my degree and hopefully, never ever set foot on any sort of an educational premises again! I was done with college, I had spent almost all of my life in full time education, 18 or 19 years altogether, I think?! That’s a long time and to be quite honest, I am sick of it. Having the opportunity to be able to attend college or university is not something I should take lightly but, I was pretty sick and tired of attending classes, most of which I didn’t like, having to do exams and assignments, having to be told what to do, where to go and having to pay for it!

One of the main reasons me and boyfriend have not booked out flights yet is because, I want to make sure I have passed this exam before leaving the country. Hypothetically speaking, should I fail this exam again, the next set of repeat exams take place early January 2015. We are currently planning to leave in January so, should I fail, we’ll more than likely leave in February or as soon as possible following the exam.

I really hate exams and having to study for them. It bores me to death and I procrastinate like theirs no tomorrow! Exams are not my strong point, I never really do well in them and it sucks because it drags down my G.P.A! I would have loved to have gotten a 2.1, honours degree, that’s where your grade point average is 60-70% overall. There were some subjects I had in college this year that I loved, and got high percentages in but, it’s my stupid exams that bring me down. I could easily get a 2.1 if I didn’t have to do any exams! Studying at the moment is slow to start and as per usual, I feel like I’m taking nothing in from any of it?! I still can’t manage to bring myself to really throw myself into study even though I really can’t afford to fail this exam, again! My mum and boyfriend keep saying things like, “don’t fall at the last hurdle”, “you just have to get through this week, keep studying and then it’s over!”. It’s easy for them to say when they don’t have to sit the exam. It’s a subject that I hate to, Economics. I hate it with a livid passion! I find it very hard, confusing and I don’t understand it half the time.  I had to sit an exam in this subject in May as well as I only just passed it! I have a super busy in work next week to, making my studying time very limited!
I’ll be sure to keep you updated on how my studying is going, how the exam goes and if I pass it or not whenever I get the result.

Thanks for reading,

Friday, 1 August 2014

How it all started....

The seed was initially planted by my older (and only) sister, Aideen. She and her boyfriend Mark had been living in Calgary, Alberta, Canada for about 1 year and they loved their new life. I can’t help but admit that I was jealous. I really look up to my sister she’s very courageous, head strong, stubborn as hell sometimes but, she’s not afraid to take risks and goes after what she wants. She made it seem like moving to Canada was no big deal even though the process for her to obtain an IEC visa was a lot more complex at the time. 

I remember talking to her on Skype on one occasion and her asking me what my plan was for when I finished college. She asked me had I considered applying for the visa and at the time, my answer was no. I wasn't finished college until the end of that year so, I figured I’d finish college, work for one year, save money and then maybe apply? However, she informed me of a rumour she had heard through various social media accounts saying that apparently, the IEC process wasn't going to be opening for the following year and that maybe I should apply. If I don’t get it, I don’t get it but, if I was successful I didn't necessarily have to use it but, at least I would have the option. That was how it all began...

When I was in my final year of college that realised that I was following a routine and a pretty boring one at that! I went to college every day studying marketing, Monday-Thursday/Friday and then worked part-time at the weekends Thursday-Sunday and I did this every day, every week, every month for four years. It had become so part of my life that I didn't even notice and accepted it as normal. 

Ireland is having a tough time economically at the moment (as you all know!) and once you get to the end of your educational road, it makes you really think what your next step should be. It’s a decision you have to make by yourself, for yourself and it can be difficult. You’ll be scared, have serious self-doubt and it involves taking a leap of faith into the unknown and this is where I found myself.

Being from a small town in the north-west of Ireland that has really suffered from the effects of the recession, there are no real opportunities here. Trust me, it’s not worth my while searching and applying for jobs because I know I would've been unsuccessful in my attempt.  Most employers require you to have some sort of experience and, being fresh out of college of course I didn't have any real experience you can’t get experience without having a job. It’s a vicious circle.

What made the decision particularly hard for me was the fact that I had a part-time job. I worked in Penneys/Primark and to someone who has never worked there, you assume it’s a normal, easy part-time job and it is for the most part. What you don’t realise is Penneys is actually a great company to work for and they can provide you with some really good opportunities. There had to be a way I could work for the company where I was qualified, in marketing. I've always been interested in advertising and if I could only be given the opportunity, I would happily do that for Penneys. I loved the store that I worked in, we all got on like family and it taught me a lot about working in retail and just how sh*t that can be!!  However, as I said, I worked there for four years and the work started to become very mundane. I was literally doing the same thing every weekend, in a place I had been living my entire life. Many shops in Sligo had closed as a result of the recession, I had been to every restaurant and bar in town because there was just nothing else to do. I was seeing the same faces and places everyday. Everthing about my life had started to become very mundane and I was feeling uninspired .

When you work in Penneys for five or more years, you can take a career break, and leave the company for one year but, your job and your rate of pay will still be waiting for you when you return if, you choose to do that. One of my best friends, that I work with Michelle has also chosen to move to Canada, she’s been working in Penneys longer than me and has chosen to take her leave should it not work out for her? As I've been working there under 5 years, I'm forced to leave permanently. Yes, if Canada doesn't work out for me I can return home but, I won’t have a job to return to, one that I have really enjoyed, made great friends and worked so hard in. That’s the thing that scares me the most...

I recently returned from a family holiday from Canada, the last time I set foot on Canadian soil was 10 years before that and I am so glad I got to visit the country again before moving there permanently. My boyfriend Larry also came with us, he is joining me in this big move and I'm so glad he got to see Canada before making the move. From visiting the country, I don't have any apprehension (not really) about going any more, I can't wait! Canada is an amazing country full of fantastic, friendly people and also, full of jobs! 

The next big step for myself and Larry to make the move and decision we have made feel 100% real for the first time will be to book our flights. Next on the list of things to do.

Thank you for reading,